Wives: Love Your Husbands and He Will Move the World for You

Power of a praying wife
There is nothing like a husband who is committed and secured in his relationship with his wife for the cause of Christ. He is sold out for doing everything he can to make sure that his wife, family and purpose in life is fulfilled when he is following the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s rewarding, and it brings so much joy and completeness to his marriage relationship. Knowing that if he totally concentrates on serving God and his wife, God will make provision and a way where it seems impossible. That’s called allowing God to order and establish our steps in life. But sometimes it can become difficult if both the husband and wife aren’t in agreement with the covenant perspective, and then direction is misunderstood. There has to be understanding and agreement between the husband and the wife so that the spiritual leader of the home, the husband, can flourish in the guidance of the marriage and the wife supporting her husband with prayer and encouragement.

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” – Ephesians 5:22-24

When we read this scripture regarding wives submitting to their husbands, many of us get the wrong interpretation of submit, thinking that our wives are do what we say or request of them without understanding. We as husbands desire our wives to honor and respect us because we are their husbands, a sense of entitlement. This kind of thinking or mentality, is exactly what has gotten so many husbands in trouble with their marriages, therefore creating a history of division and separation that has led to a divorce rate of over 55% across America and increasing as we read. But husbands, the biggest needs we have is honor and respect, and if we don’t get it in the home, many of you will seek it somewhere else where we will get it, and that’s in the world. What we’re trying to bring to light is this: If we take time out to study scripture and get the full understanding of what God purposed the marriage relationship to become, our marriages will become more successful based on God’s Word, not the standards of the world. Let’s look at a couple of things that God’s Word indicates in this portion of scripture.


Wives, as the help meet of your husband as the Word of God calls you, submitting can be misunderstood from so many angles. In your heart you want to submit to your husband but if he is not in his right mind; if he is doing things that are not in agreement with the Word of God,; if he is involved in behaviors that are contrary to what God says he ought not to be doing; and if is acting in a selfish, dishonoring way you will not submit to him. That is a given. But if he is doing all that he can, trying to live a godly life and working consistently, providing and maintaining a sense of leadership and direction, God says submit to that leadership with your whole heart. What you don’t see in your husband, what you desire in your him and for him, pray and ask God to manifest that in him as you continue in submission as he submits to God. This is key and critical to the marriage relationship.

“Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.” – 1 Peter 3:1, 2

I see and hear about so many wives consistently beating down their husbands spiritually, emotionally and mentally because the husband don’t know how to lead or his attempts to lead have gone inconsistent and without positive results. As husbands, this hurts us more than anything in life because it’s coming from the person we love the most in life, our wives. I realize every situation is different and has circumstances that require additional assistance. But if that’s the case, come together and get into agreement about perhaps looking into a Mentor or guidance from a Christian Counselor. When you as a wife, begin to submit yourself under the spiritual authority of your God-fearing husband, and he is following Christ with his whole heart, there is nothing he won’t do for you and he will move the world for you. The honor and respect he desires will surely follow you into his life and your marriage.


Just as Christ is the head of the church so your husband is to your home. When we as husbands finally get the understanding of the family unit, we will do whatever it takes to maintain provision, guidance and leadership within our home. We need your encouragement, your consistent prayers and your support as we follow Christ in leading our homes. When we fail at a task or become inconsistent in what we are trying to do, don’t discourage us by magnifying our faults in such a way where it feels like we can’t do anything right.
Praying husbands
That’s how much your support means to us. When others see us fail we can handle it, look at the adjustments to make and proceed with caution. But when you, our wives, acknowledge our failures, it hurts us more to the core because it’s coming from the one whom we are trying to lead and love. Help us by praying that we continue to trust God in all things. This will strengthen us to do all we can to continue to move in the right direction, get up and stay focused with power, victory and authority in Christ who strengthens us. Your prayers and support is vital to us leading our homes as Christ leads the church.

Christian wife
This is not a wives-bashing article, nor or we trying to even the score in marital bliss. This article is, and was written with the purpose, and intent to bring some clarity, understanding and perspective to some hurting marriages out there that are looking for answers, guidance and instruction. If your marriage is going in the direction that you and your spouse have agreed on Praise God for your marriage! But to those who are struggling, there is hope! And that hope is in Jesus Christ, the Beginning and the End, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
I pray that you as wives, and husbands, receive this article as it written to you, in love, and with a sincere heart because God is doing a new thing in my marriage as well.

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