My Question Is . . . .

my question

My Question Is . . . .

“I’m looking for a support group that’s going to meet me right where I am in my struggles. How do I determine which group is for me and my specific struggles?” 

As you may already know, there are many support groups out there for both men and women, ranging from the least struggles in life to the extreme addictive behaviors that have overtaken so many and they don’t even realize it. I believe one of the very first things we must do is identify precisely what it is that we are specifically struggling with. Ask yourself these three questions:

1). What is my struggle or behavior centered around?

2). Is my behavior(s) causing hurt or damage to my relationships, family, friends, co-workers, spouse?

3). Am I ready to get some help now before things get worse?

When you can answer these questions truthfully and honestly, you have a good indication that there is a problem, and you need to seek out help or assistance from someone who is familiar or has been through what you’re going through and has overcome the same struggles you’re presently in. There are many support groups out there who will say we can or will help you in your struggles, that they are equipped with the latest information regarding your specific needs, but when you arrive and see for yourself you find that it is not the case. These groups tend to be groups that are focused on emotional and mental support, which are good for those who need that type of support. But if you’re struggling with, say, addictive behaviors, sexual integrity issues, lust, porn, affairs, etc., then your search for help becomes limited and that’s where you need to be very careful in seeking out your anticipated help. Here are some criteria we introduce to those who are seeking help in their struggles, specifically with sexual integrity issues.

A. We specifically work with those who struggle, are struggling or have struggled with sexual integrity and want to live in freedom.

B. Our group will walk with you every step of the way in your journey, providing the essential needs of recovery; accountability, honest and transparent men of faith who are overcoming in these areas as living examples of our mission to freedom.

C. We will establish daily contact, if needed, in accountability efforts via phone calls, visitations, emails, etc., to meet you exactly where you are in your struggles.

D. You will never be left alone trying to overcome by yourself; we will be there for you 24/7.

E. Our curriculum that we used is authored by some of the best experts in the field, with examples of verifiable recovery testimonies from those who have overcome and want to show you how you too, can overcome daily, one step at a time.

These are some of the criteria we at Men of Redemption use as we work with men to help them in their struggles. Now, your specific struggle or issue may not be in this immediate area. But whatever it is, know for sure that what you are dealing with, or what is dealing with you, it will require more that what you’re looking for and that’s hands-on, in your face, challenging you to be real and honest in your desire to be set free from your struggles. That group you’re looking for or into should be established, having integrity and transparency as pillars of a foundational truth included in their purpose and mission statement. Why so much information and detail for a good support group? Because it’s your life at stake. Everything that exemplifies who you are: your character, your mindset, your thoughts, your heart, your integrity, and everything you say and do for the rest of your life is resting on the opportunity to bring that blessed hope to your life and to walk in a new-found freedom. That group should be focused on doing whatever it takes to get you there. That group should also have established a good and verifiable history of men and women whose lives have demonstrated that the group and it’s process has and is working in their lives currently. So you have to be very careful in selecting a support group. You want the best help out there, and there are plenty of good groups that are doing some wonderful work in helping men and women. But using wisdom, the spiritual guidance of those who have been there to help educate, give understanding and direction will assist you tremendously. There it is there my friends.

“Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.”  –  James 5:19, 20

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