Regaining Trust While In Recovery


As we move forward in our recovery, we often revisit past situations and old relationships. Some of those situations and relationships never really got closure to them, therefore bringing remembrance and reflection can ignite new life to those flames of compromise. We don’t want to do that because some of us have a difficult time reflecting and then returning to that lifestyle. Why? Because without having closure to that past life, we’ll want, even desire, to keep it alive and make a possible return at any time. Not a good idea to even give it a thought. While in our recovery, if we have any thoughts, desires or passions of returning to that life we need to bring them to light-expose them for what they really are and that’s a hindrance to our recovery. We should want to expose them, denounce those past relationships and situations of the past and not give them life ever! If we truly want freedom from our past, and want to move forward in regaining trust in our marriages and relationships we ought to want to bring those thoughts, those desires and situation captive as the Word of God instructs us to do (2 Cor. 10:5). These reflections can hinder every effort we’re making toward wholeness and purity in Christ. Our wives, our new relationships we are re-establishing deserves renewed thinking and transformed hearts (Romans 12:1, 2) as a new foundation of trust with us. Get with your accountability partner, your Christian counselor, or even your wife if you have progressed that far enough in your recovery to share those thoughts and reflections and let it out, bring light to it all. It brings a true sense of freedom and comfort when we’re open and honest about it, and it really shows our heart’s desire to move forward in to being trusted in every area of our lives. 

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